Galapagos tours 3 days


galapagos island best tour

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Mufasa Safari is working to preserve & protect wild incredible species

Supporting conservation efforts

Duis semper ac nunc ut pharetra. Ut fermentum euismod odio, sed mattis sapien rhoncus eu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus laoreet rhoncus dolor, quis feugiat turpis porttitor ac. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In et tempus est, vel consequat arcu. Ut nisl lectus, tempor nec fermentum ut, tincidunt eu ipsum. Maecenas commodo malesuada neque quis ultricies. Mauris viverra nec mi eget sagittis. Ut sit amet facilisis nibh. Aenean accumsan bibendum arcu et aliquet. Morbi efficitur cursus elit quis faucibus. 

Supporting local communities

Ut fermentum euismod odio, sed mattis sapien rhoncus eu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus laoreet rhoncus dolor, quis feugiat turpis porttitor ac. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In et tempus est, vel consequat arcu. Ut nisl lectus, tempor nec fermentum ut, tincidunt eu ipsum. Maecenas commodo malesuada neque quis ultricies. Mauris viverra nec mi eget sagittis. Ut sit amet facilisis nibh. Aenean bibendum arcu et aliquet. Morbi efficitur cursus elit quis faucibus. 

Helping animals in the wild

Semper ac nunc ut pharetra. Ut fermentum euismod odio, sed mattis sapien rhoncus eu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus laoreet rhoncus dolor, quis feugiat turpis porttitor ac. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In et tempus est, vel consequat arcu. Ut nisl lectus, tempor nec fermentum ut, tincidunt eu ipsum. Maecenas commodo malesuada neque quis ultricies. Mauris viverra nec mi eget sagittis. Ut sit amet facilisis nibh. Aenean accumsan bibendum arcu et aliquet. Morbi efficitur cursus elit quis. 

Day by Day Itinerary

Santa Cruz Island

  • Arrival to Galapagos Island, Baltra Airport.
  • Transfer from Baltra Airport to Santa Cruz Island
  • Visit the Highlands in Santa Cruz Island
  • Lunch
  • Check In Hotel (First, Tourist Superior or Tourist Class) in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island.
  • Visit Tortuga Bay or Charles Darwin Station. (You must choose one of them)
  • Briefing for next day activities

Places to Visit:

  • Highlands: Visit to the El Chato 1, El Chato 2 or Primicias Farm, in any of these you can see the Giant Galapagos Tortoises and the typical vegetation of Galapagos.
  • Tortuga Bay: It is a very beautiful beach of fine white sand where people can swim quietly and observe species of terrestrial iguanas and crabs.
  • Charles Darwin Station: Galapagos Islands is home to the famous Galapagos Tortoise, which fully grown can weigh up to 500 pounds and reach 6 feet in length. During your visit to the Research Station you will get to see tortoises at all stages of growth from unhatched eggs to full-grown adults.


  • Animals to see: Giant tortoises in their habitat, Land Iguanas, Crabs and birds.
  • Activities: Trekking and Snorkeling
  • What do you bring: Sunscream, Repellent, Light clothing, Binoculars, Camera, swimsuit and water.
  • Include: Professional bilingual guide, Transport, Lunch, Hotel Accommodation, Entrance to Charles Darwin Station and Snorkeling Equipment.
  • Not Included: Lobbito Buss $5, Dinner, Tips and Additional Expenses.


  • Snorkeling is only if you choose Tortuga Bay.
  • We can’t guarantee that you will see all the animals, since they are in wildlife.
  • If it is only a passenger, the first day does not include a guide.

Bartolome Island or North Seymour or Isabela Is.

Bartolome Island 

    • Pick up from your Hotel in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island.
    • Departure Time at from 06:00 am. to 07:00 am.
    • Transfer from Ayora Port to Itabaca Channel. (45 minutes)
    • Sailing time from Itabaca Channel to Bartolome Island. (2 hour)
    • Arrival to Bartolome Island at 08:45 am. aprpoximately.
    • 2 Hours of hiking in Bartolome island
    • Lunch
    • Snorkeling in Sullivan Bay
    • Return to Santa Cruz at 14:15 pm
    • Arrival to Santa Cruz at 17:00 pm approximately.
    • Transfer to your Hotel
    • Briefing for next day activities

    Places to Visit:

    • Bartolome Island:Named in honor of Sir Bartholomew Sulivan of the British Navy. It has an area of ​​1.2 km² and a maximum altitude of 114 meters. This island offers some of the most beautiful landscapes of the archipelago. The island is composed of an extinct volcano and a variety of red, orange, green and bright black volcanic formations. The lava cactus of the Galapagos colonize the new lava fields. On this island is the famous Pinnacle, which is one of the most representative places of the archipelago. Here you can dive and snorkel with penguins, sea lions, white tip reef sharks and other tropical fish. Seasonally, Bartolomé is the mating and nesting site of the green turtle. The bay is also an excellent place to go swimming. The twin bays are separated by a narrow isthmus.
    • Sullivan Bay: This unique landscape is composed of a pair of eroded scoria lava cones which were engulfed by a recent (in geological terms) pahoehoe lava flow and which is considered one of the finest in the world.


  • Animals to see: Sea lions, reef fish, sea turtle, penguins.
  • Activities: Hiking and Snorkeling
  • What do you bring: Sunscream, Repellent, Light clothing, Binoculars, Camera, swimsuit.
  • Include: Breakfast, Professional bilingual guide, Transport, Lunch,Snack, Water, Hotel Accommodation and Snorkeling Equipment.
  • Not Included: Dinner, Tips and Additional Expenses.

Notes :

  • We can’t guarantee that you will see all the animals, since they are in wildlife.

Isabela Island

  • Breakfast
  • Pick up from your Hotel in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island.
  • Boarding Time at 07:00 am.
  • Sailing time from Santa Cruz to Isabela Island.
  • Arrival to Villamil Port in Isabela Island at 09:00 am. aprpoximately.
  • Visit the Wetlands
  • Visit the Flamingos Lake
  • Visit the Tortoise Breeding Center
  • Lunch
  • Snorkeling in Tintoreras (45 minutes)
  • Return to Santa Cruz at 15:00 pm
  • Arrival to Santa Cruz at 17:00 pm approximately.
  • Transfer to your Hotel
  • Briefing for next day activities

Places to Visit:

  • Wetlands: The Wetlands of Isabela Island are located just outside of Puerto Villamil. The Wetlands consist of lagoons, swamps, and mangroves and are home to a variety of unique bird species such as common stilts, whimbrels, white-cheeked pintails, and gallinules. The Wetlands can be visited on foot via a path that winds through the swamps.
  • Flamingo Lake: To the west of Puerto Villamil there are various salt and brackish lagoons which house an impressive variety of coastal and sea birds. Here, visitors can also find the largest concentration of flamingos in Galapagos.
  • Arnaldo Tupiza Breeding Center: The Tortoise Breeding Center (also known as the Interpretation Center) is located nearby Puerto Villamil. A boardwalk connects the town to the Center, stretching across the wetlands and Prickly Pear Cacti shrub. Five sub-species of the Giant Tortoise exist on the island, yet their populations are threatened by introduced animals such as goats and cats. At the Tortoise Breeding Center, eggs are nursed in a hatchery and the giant tortoise adults are observed in supervised corrals. The Center aims to increase the population and secure the survival of these species.
  • Tintoreras: The Tintoreras Islets, located a short distance from Puerto Villamil, is home to a great variety of wildlife. Its turquoise, crystalline waters are inhabited by white-tipped reef sharks, Galapagos penguins, marine turtles and sea lions. One of its beaches, surrounded by mangroves is one of the few sites where marine iguanas can reproduce successfully.


  • Animals to see: Giant tortoises, flamingos, terrestrial iguanas, white fin sharks, sea lions, reef fish.
  • Activities: Trekking and Snorkeling
  • What do you bring: Sunscream, Repellent, Light clothing, Binoculars, Camera, swimsuit.
  • Include: Breakfast, Professional bilingual guide, Transport, Lunch,Snack, Water, Hotel Accommodation and Snorkeling Equipment.
  • Not Included: Isabela Fee $10,Dinner, Tips and Additional Expenses.


  • We can’t guarantee that you will see all the animals, since they are in wildlife.

Santa Cruz Island

  • Breakfast
  • Pick up from your Hotel in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz Island.
  • Transfer to Twin Craters in Santa Cruz.
  • Visit to Twin Craters
  • Transfer from San Cristotal to Baltra Airport
  • Return Flight.

Places to Visit:

  • Twin Craters: The Twin Craters are, in fact, not craters. These impressive holes were formed by magma (lava) domes which hardened on the outside but continued to flow on the inside, leaving huge but empty chambers that collapsed with the passing of time, creating this breathtaking scenery that resembles two pit crates. The Twins are located in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island and are surrounded by lush and green forests, dominated by the endemic Scalesia plants. It is possible to walk along the rim of the craters to better appreciate the magnitude of the holes as well as the local flora and fauna. This site is also one of the most likely places to observe the endemic short-ear owl of the Galapagos.


  • Activities: Trekking
  • What do you bring: Sunscream, Repellent, Light clothing, Binoculars, Camera.
  • Include: Breakfast, Transport.
  • Not Included: Lobbito Buss $5, Guide, Dinner, Lunch, Tips and Additional Expenses.


  • We can’t guarantee that you will see all the animals, since they are in wildlife.
  • This day is not included Guide, just driver.

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